Although not everyone considers orgasm the primary goal of erotic sex, it is an incredibly pleasurable and enjoyable experience. However, some women find it quite challenging to achieve this because, according to Erotic Sex, only 35% of the female population can achieve orgasm through simple penetration. In addition, about 10-15% of women cannot achieve orgasm under any circumstances. In other words, most women need additional stimulation to reach orgasm, whether through erotic sex, hands, or tongue. Today, the subject of sex life has undergone something of a revolution, with female erotic sex being one of its aspects that is finally getting the attention it has always deserved. And if your sexual partner is one of those women who need extra help reaching orgasm, you may benefit from learning some of the best ways to get there, make it last longer, and make it more intense. Read on for some tips on how to give you the best erotic sex using different toys and techniques!
Invest in Erotic Sex
Various erotic sexes can be highly beneficial and help even the most demanding woman achieve a more intense orgasm. One of the best things about erotic sex is that it comes in a multitude of different shapes, sizes, and materials these days. If you want to have erotic sex or try bondage toys, you don’t have to look far. Of course, before investing in any erotic sex, it’s always wise to discuss this with your partner first. Don’t try to surprise her with something that isn’t comfortable.
While dildos are helpful when you want to double your wife’s pleasure, you may also want to try more popular toys before considering other options. For example, starting with a regular vibrator is always a good idea, as it allows you to stimulate the clitoris during penetrative sex. It also offers different rhythms, patterns, and intensities that are impossible to reproduce by hand alone. To get the most out of a vibrator during erotic sex, start on a low setting, hold the vibrator, and press gently. Then, you can start moving from one position to another and adjusting the pressure. This is the time to try different ideas and communicate what you think is best, so listen to your wife and follow her lead. Keep in mind that the clitoris is very sensitive, so you don’t want to go too hard or too fast. You can also try giving your partner complete control of the toy.
Try Different Erotic Sex
If you’ve been with your partner for a while, you probably already have this favorite erotic position but keep in mind that there are many other options for