Let’s answer the million-dollar question: how long should the perfect adult sex experience last? And we’re not talking about foreplay or pre-cuddling, we’re talking about actual intercourse.
We have a common idea that adult sex should be like a winter coat: the longer, the better. People learn from an early age that adult sex is meant to last forever and that thousands of different positions are what make it interesting. Blame it on traditional porn, pop culture, or the media. The internet is full of articles on “tips to last longer in bed” and some of their songs even say “I don’t need a minute.”
According to a study published in the Journal of Adult Sex, the perfect adult sex session lasts 5.4 minutes. The study aimed to determine what is considered acceptable, desirable, too short, and too long. For many, the results are surprising and reassuring at the same time.
In another study from Pennsylvania State, and found that ejaculation that occurs within the first two minutes after penetration falls into the “too short” range. Three to seven minutes is “acceptable.” It is “desirable” to last between 7 and 13 minutes. However, anything longer than 13 minutes is already considered “too long.”
Therefore, good sex for adults should last between 3 and 8 minutes. If adult sex lasts too long, it can become monotonous and even affect the excitement of the couple. Additionally, after about 12-16 minutes, a woman’s fluids start to decrease, which can cause discomfort or even pain during intercourse.
The misconception that the best people last longer in bed is tied to another common illusion: the belief that they have to climax at the same time as their partner. This leads many men to purposely delay their orgasm to coincide with their partner’s. This is an exaggerated altruism, and it doesn’t always produce the desired results, since the orgasm mechanism requires letting go and losing control.
Overall, men can feel so pressured to give it their all that they forget that there is a whole new world outside of adult vaginal sex. We also know that women generally take longer to reach orgasm than men. So the key is to focus on foreplay, not penetration.
Overall, the most important thing is not to approach it thinking that you have to meet certain expectations or pass an exam. Adult sex is about enjoying the ride.