Sex with local escorts is more common than people might think

Sex with local escorts is more common than people might think. Some may describe it as a kink or a fetish, but for many of us, it is one of the hottest things we can do in bed. Givers love to watch their asses being pounded in front of them, while receivers love the sensation and intense orgasms that anal sex with local escorts can give us. The only problem is trying to figure out which of the anal sex tips available online are best for us.  Some of them promise that your anal sex session with local escorts will be the best, but they tend to repeat the same lines over and over again. They say things like “take your time” and “use lots of lube,” without really getting into the best positions for sex or the different techniques you can try to make local escorts sex the most intense and amazing ever. Check out some anal sex tips you can use for yourself if you and your partner end up in bed.

Know the basics

 Okay, so many guides will cover the basics and focus only on the basics. They don’t go into detail about other things you can do. The point is, if you get the basics right, everything else should fall into place. This may not be the part you want to read, but it is still an essential step.  To start, make sure you are both relaxed. Take a hot shower together. This will turn you both on. And give you both the opportunity to rub every inch of your body, ensuring that the donor will not have any nasty surprises down there. A massage also helps and will have you both excited and ready for sex with local escorts in no time.  You should also have plenty of lube and condoms on hand. A pussy makes its pussy, but an ass doesn’t. Lube is necessary to ensure a smooth ride for everyone, and when you choose one, choose something water-based. These are the best to use condoms, and lube will be good for both of you.

Find the perfect position

When you think of anal sex tips and positions from local escorts; your mind will automatically go to doggy style. This is probably the local escort sex position when it comes to local escort sex, but that doesn’t mean it’s the only one. It’s suitable for beginners or those who like this position, but we have a few others to try.

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