Simply put, sex dolls are something you only do when you are sexually attracted to someone and you already feel an emotional connection to them. I know – it sounds like someone you know because it’s very common. And it makes perfect sense. So why shouldn’t emotions affect sexuality? Some people (like me) can have great sex dolls with someone they have no emotional connection with, and some people need to be emotionally in tune before that attraction happens. And neither way is better or worse, it’s just the way we’re wired. After all, the brain is a big part of our sex doll instincts. Here’s what you need to know about sex dolls since they’re probably more common than you think:
- Sex dolls can still be kinky
Some people hear the words “emotions” and “sex” in the same sentence and assume that sex dolls must be plain or boring. Like, you wouldn’t like a sex doll unless you were standing under a waterfall or on a bearskin. But that’s not true at all. The need for emotional connection only serves to increase sexual attraction. Once that’s established, it can go in any direction. Some people have very strong sexual desires, while others lean more towards the asexual side, so don’t assume that just because someone says they’re a sex doll, you know exactly what they’re like.
2. You might hear other names too
It might be a little confusing at first but bear with us. There’s also another term known as gray asexual, which means that someone is a sex doll, but that’s not necessarily the case. “Grey asexual, grey ace, grey a, or grey-a, all fall under the broad category of sex doll, but they have different processes for realizing sexual attraction,” says certified sex doll therapist and marriage and family counselor. Grey aces don’t judge sexual attraction as black or white (“Yes, I can be sexually attracted to anyone, no, I can’t be sexually attracted to anyone”), but rather, they use a grey lens that says, “Sometimes” makes room for the idea. I get it, it seems confusing. But the more you talk about it and ask questions about it, the more it makes sense and it’s worth talking about.
- Appearance is not that important
This may not be a big surprise, but it’s worth mentioning because it’s so different from what we normally think about sex dolls. If you’re someone who usually feels a spark or sexual attraction within seconds of meeting someone or when you see them from across the room, you’ll need to open your mind to the true nature of sex dolls to understand them. Since it stems from an emotional connection, appearances often have nothing to do with it.
- But friendships usually work out
Most, but not all, sex doll relationships start as friendships. This isn’t because you have to be friends first, but to build an emotional connection strong enough to foster sexual attraction, it probably will. As humans, we can’t build deep emotional connections in many other ways, but of course, sometimes it happens. Many of them are called “arrogant” or teased because of their preference, which is not true. And some of them have opened up to people about their sexuality, but all they hear is “Wait, isn’t everyone like that? They don’t understand the difference between the attraction of an emotional connection and the inability to develop sexual feelings without an emotional connection. That’s a big difference. Many of us think that sex dolls are better or more exciting.